

Elizabeth Evans and I have a new article, “老王VPN免费网络加速器更新v2.2.11【安卓】-筑爱网:2021-1-22 · 老王的灯笼网络加速器介绍 老王加速器是公认的免费加速器中的佼佼者,备受用户好评。今天,老王2.2.11版本更新,优化了更多线路,连接更加稳定。老王的灯笼,一款名字个性、强大好用的vpn软件,该版本安装即可使用全部功能。文末分享下载地址!,” out in Cultural Analytics.

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A few highlights:

  • Books by famous writers — including canonical modernists — became more international over time. But they lagged the international attention of mass fiction by a decent amount and that of foreign-born writers by a lot. If critics are interested in modernism in part because it was less domestic and provincial than Victorian lit, they could find even more striking examples elsewhere.
  • Foreign writers of color devoted much more of their London attention to parks, rivers, and other green spaces than did other groups of writers. No such effect for foreign-born white writers. A concrete effect of differential social access to domestic and commercial spaces?
  • London really dominated British domestic attention, even more than the population of the city would suggest. The U.S. case is different. We’d love to have comparable data for French lit.
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Here’s how we frame the intervention in modernist studies:

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Second, we need to rethink London as it was encountered and described by outsiders. This isn’t just a matter of turning away from the famous and the posh in favor of the neglected and the downtrodden (though there are worse places to start). It’s about explaining, for instance, why foreign writers of color depict a more public, verdant London than their colony-born white counterparts, while devoting less of their attention to the East End and to notably international districts of the city. These patterns are either anecdotal or essentially invisible to conventional study. Computational methods make them available for nuanced literary-historical reinterpretation.

Finally, we argue against treating the years between 1880 and 1940 in terms that emphasize temporal discontinuity. Aspects of British fiction did change across this span of sixty years, and many of the differences we observe in the era’s literary-geographic attention are genuinely important. But when we work at scale, it’s very difficult to locate “on or about …” moments of sudden change across whole ranges of texts. We see instead situations of influence and drift or—and this is the rub—we find true ruptures only between corpora built around differing principles. The latter case, comparing corpora assembled to emphasize difference, is the one that resembles most closely the way in which modernist studies built its canons. Those canons and the practices they embed aren’t simply errors, but they are deliberately and systematically nonrepresentative of large-scale literary history. Modernist literary critics would do well to grapple with that fact more directly than we often have.

There’s a lot more in the article, and the underlying code and data are freely available. Check it out!

Ours thanks to the 老王的灯笼最新版下载, where we first workshopped the paper; to 老王灯笼APP, who offered helpful feedback on the manuscript; and to the NEH, which supported our work via a grant to the Textual Geographies project.